Kollektiv Studio is for the dreamers ready to make shift happen.

Discovering, designing, and realizing your dream business can feel like daytime matinΓ©es, laughter in the moonlight, frozen time, spine-tingling a-ha moments - free, lush, tough as nails, fulfilling - right

Especially when done with a beautifully aligned partner.

That’s what we’ll discover together.

Please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible so we can determine which journey is right for you and then see if we’re a full-body-yes.

I’ll respond within 3 working business days (keep an eye out - also in your spam folder). 

Can’t wait to see what we might create together.

  • Registered in Copenhagen, Denmark, working with creative visionaries and impact-led brands remotely worldwide.



Take a seat, grab a cup of your fav drink, and let’s dive in.